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Scoil Íde Primary School, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
School closed on Friday 24th January due to RED Weather Warning!
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Parents Association

The Parents’ Association is proud to play an active role in the Scoil Íde community. In line with established good practice, we work with the Principal, Ms Keane, all the staff and the Board of Management to build an “effective partnership of home and school”.

The purpose of the Parents Association (PA) is to provide a structure through which the parents/ guardians of all the pupils of Scoil Íde can work together for the best possible education for their children.

Aims and objectives of SIPA:
The PA hopes to help all parents feel they have a part to play in the school and a contribution in helping to make their child’s years in the school a positive time in their life.
To represent the interests and views of parents of children attending the school. To inform parents of developments in Education and in Scoil Íde and the wider community.
To foster cooperation and promote good relationships between Parents, Principal, Teachers and the Board of Management.
To raise funds and to utilise the funds as deemed appropriate by the Principal and the Board of Management. Fundraising for the school by the Parents Association will be done with the prior agreement of the Board of Management.

Some of the events the Committee are involved in throughout the year, include: running the school book rental scheme, pupil personal accident insurance, the annual book fair and the bedtime reading programme.

Some of our fundraising activities include: pupil personalised Christmas cards, Spring raffle and clothes recycling events.

We are encouraging parents to get involved with the committee in any way they can. If you are not in a position to join the committee but would like to help out with school events please email us at

Finally, we would like to thank you for your continued support and would like to remind you that we are all part of the school and if you have any comments, suggestions then please send an email to the above address.

Looking forward to hearing from you! Scoil Íde Parents’ Association Committee